Recording Underwater - Mark GriswoldTheoryAs you may already know, sound originates with a vibration that travels though a medium. Normally, we hear sounds propagating through air and most microphones are set up to receive this airborne signal.Sound waves can travel through both solids and liquids as well. If you stick your head underwater, the water effectively couples with your eardrum to transfer the water-born vibrations to your inner ear. There's plenty for your ears to hear underwater because sound waves travel five times further though water than they do through air. You may wish to read a tutorial on underwater acoustics. Waterproofing an existing microphoneYou can experiment with underwater recording by waterproofing a microphone you already own. One way to waterproof a mic is to seal it inside a deflated balloon. For greater "sensitivity", try a latex condom (use an unlubricated one).
Seal the open end around the mic cable, making sure to cover the XLR connector.
One way to do this is by making rings around the cable with electrical or duct tape (hint: WD-40 will remove any
sticky tape residue). You could also construct a special use cable with a couple of rubber "O" rings around the mic cable.
You could also waterproof a microphone by dipping it in "Plasti Dip," a rubber epoxy used to rubberize handles on metal tools. The coating is flexible enough to transmit sound vibrations. The coating is water proof, but hard to remove. The main disadvantage of the waterproofing techniques is the inefficient acoustic coupling of the mic element to the water. Your recordings might seem a little muffled. You may want to use a hydrophone, which is a specially designed microphone that transduces sounds propagating underwater. Constructing a hydrophoneTypically, a hydrophone contains a piezo electric element, a preamp, and housing.Take the piezo element out of its case and solder the leads to a cable. Waterproof this contact mic with "Plasti Dip." Piezo elements can be found at Radio Shack, Mouser Electronics, or All Electronics. Edmunds Scientific may also have hydrophone elements for sale. You could also attach (and waterproof) a commercial contact mic, such as the C-ducer, to a thin plate. For more complex construction plans, Loughborough University has published plans for a homemade hydrophone and an associated preamp. Commercially available hydrophonesHere are some lists of commercially available hydrophones with lots of technical information:http://www.dal.ca/~whitelab/marmam/hp.htm DPA microphones make a high end hydrophone. Robb Nichols's PH1 hydrophone offers great value for the money. You may also want to contact : Offshore Acoustics 5454 Indian River Drive North Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V7G IL3 Phone: (604) 929 0440 Fax: (604) 929 0440 Email: jkford@interchange.ubc.ca Cetacean Research has tools geared toward whale research and many mp3s. LinksIf you are interested in designing a preamp for your hydrophone, look at the Analog Devices AD797, a low noise op amp for sonar applications.The "Dolphin EAR" people have interesting things on their website, but are big newsgroup spammers. The National Academy of Sciences has a section about Sound in the Ocean on their site. Keep the Oceans Quiet! - Fight the US Navy's use of LFA sonar! Search usenet newsgroups Search the web NASA - Earth Observatory
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