![]() phonography.org 101. Chris Knapp - Koi FeedingThe sound of koi feeding recorded at the Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens in Tokyo, Japan. Recorded in November of 1999 using a Sharp 702 MD recorder and Sound Professionals T-mic.
02. Yannick Dauby - Bird Sanctuary
03. Toy Bizarre - KDI DCTB 130
04. Jon Tulchin - Tree Creatures [MP3 - 7.2 MB]
05. Marcos Fernandes - April Showers
06. Marcelo Radulovich - Escalator at the San Diego Zoo
07. Christopher Delaurenti - Riding The 44 Back To Ballard [MP3 - 4.6 MB]
08. Jeff Carey - Coal Train
09. Yuko Nexus6 - Mic In Refrigerator
10. Brekekekexkoaxkoax - Storage Shed
11. Marc McNulty - Cinn
12. AS11 - Cleaner
13. Dale Lloyd - Old Snoqualmie Train Tunnel
14. Rod Stasick - Bituminoise
ReviewsPhonography.org 1 (CD-r) - Jeremey Keens (& Etc. 8/2001)The phonography site is Odedicated to the art of phonography or field recording¹, and hopes to become a lace where field recordings can be presented to those interested. I had come across some of the material present here at radiantlabs, but this first disk from those involved offers a diverse range of material - many of the names are familiar. What you read is pretty much what you get, ranging from nature to machines, with humans straddling the two. Chris Knapp opens with OKoi feeding¹ watery dripping and distant birds, who are much more evident in Yannick Dauby's trip to a OBird sanctuary¹ where we spend six minutes listening to all sorts of birds, calling, taking flight, with ambient noises around. A buzzing, insects and distant dogs feature in Toy Bizarre¹s OKdi dctb 130¹ (no idea what it means), along with some closer calling animals, sort of a trilling, some cows and possibly farm birds, and faint calling voices. This Onatural¹ segment ends with the OTree creatures¹ Jon Tulchin captured chirruping and trilling from speaker to speaker (at times almost sounding looped and produced, while the others are more obvious snapshots, but then again the changes seem natural), followed by OApril showers¹ as recorded by Marco Fernandes - dripping, tapping, wind (or a plane) roaring. The travel section opens at the OEscalator at the San Diego zoo¹ where we hear people talking approaching the escalator, animal sounds and then the rumble of the machine itself as captured by Marcelo Radulovich, and then ending with zoo sounds again as we walk away. Chris Delaurenti takes us ORiding the 44 back to Ballard¹ a very squeaky vehicle (or seat Chris was in - or the mike was encased in polystyrene) that accelerates and decelerates along the route, accompanied by soft rumblings. One I had seen (I think) at Radiants, Jeff Carey has a single seven minute recording of a OCoal train¹ with all the noises, variations and affects you would expect, starting with a very harsh metallic scraping before the trip starts, swinging between noise and quiet periods, rumbling and clicking down the tracks. Changing scene, Yuko Nexus6 puts a OMic in refrigerator¹ getting an ominous rumble, and then Japanese talking before the hum and wavering buzzes of machinery in Brekekekexkoaxkoax¹ OStorage shed¹. I am not exactly sure what Marc McNulty's OCinn¹ is: there is a reverberating ambience and all sorts of clanking, ringing, rolling-grunting metal noises, coming and going, layering. There is something to be said for mysterious titles, allowing you a sort of game trying to decode the auralimage. (And for those interested, on the site there is a brief description of each track - which I read after this - with recording info: and Marc says its an unmodified recording). A OCleaner¹ walks into a room (bathroom?) gets out equipment, washes, scrubs, rinses, flushes and leaves the room: I think was As11 hiding in a cubicle. What do you do in a long, empty tunnel? You whoop and make spooky noises, which is what Dale Lloyd captures in the OOld Snoqualmie train tunnel¹ which echoes and reverberates, water drips, distant voices become a drone and people test the echo-properties. And finally OBituminoise¹ a wooshing noise that builds, slightly changes pitch and volume but reveals internal variation and layers, in an intense seven minutes before fading again. Like a good photograph, there are lots of things to listen to/for in each of these pieces, and they also raise your awareness of the sounds around you. Well balanced and nicely programmed, it is a great listening experience. If you are interested in getting the compilation or contributing to the next, contact dale Lloyd through the site (and soon through Anomalous). (PS while I like the term, phonography uncovers some nasty web sites: pornographers use it as a key word, probably to catch illiterate searchers).
Phonography.org 1 - Frans de Wardd (Vital Weekly newsletter)