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phonographers: M

Marc McNulty
Participant in HomeStudio Collective - Jukebox 3.0 (Marseille, France)
01.2001 Contribution to: food-u-later (online sound project)
04.2001 Began collaboration with rj valeo (in progress)
05.2001 Contribution of track, 'Cinn', to Phonography.org 1 compilation
05.2001 Began overseeing day-to-day operations of Plate Lunch Music
06.2001 Contribution of track, 'Nachkupfern', to 'M - the rotten things' (Badbeatz) (Germany)
08.2001 Released work entitled, Neurontin as mp3's on Tiln. (In memory of Norbert Schilling)
09.2001 Collaborative project with John Hudak to be released on Plate Lunch.
11.2001 Contribution of track, 'Gamelon Fire Escape', to Phonography.org 2 compilation
01.2002 Compilation track on 'Dream Zone' compilation, Studio Forum, France

Website: http://marcmcnulty.org/
Email: mcm@earphone.org

Martiens go home
Martiens go home is a sound collective from Brussels, Belgium, active in areas such as performance, video soundtracks, exhibition soundtracks and sound installations. They also produce a weekly radio program where they try out ideas, rehearse new material and play hosts to guest musicians. They improvised with musicians coming from very different musical backgrounds, such as Géographique, John Butcher, Ignaz Schick, TMRX, Justin Bennett, Alexei Borisov, Guy Van Belle, Anton Nikkilä, Moonsanto, Espen Sommer Eide, Szkieve, Ultraphonist, Maxime Bodson, Frank Pay, ... They also worked with video artists (Designlab, Vidéoconférence, Yves Cantraine, Antonin de Bemels), dancers (Erna Omarsdottir, Riina Saastamoinen) and visual artists (Catherine Evrard, Didier Leemans, Harrisson), ...

Their music is based on a microscopic listening of sounds, from minute details in everyday-life sounds to more encompassingly complex soundscapes. The field-recordings they gather each week is edited, treated, and then confronted with each other's findings. They favor the use of diy devices, and ill-functioning equipment, relying on randomness in the construction of their narratives. Their music has been puzzlingly described as "truncated sine wave sequences dancing around sub-basement hum and incidental/accidental found sound WAV incidents, like a Nurse With Wound designed hard drive defragmentation routine" (sic). They themselves like to think of their music as some kind of freestyle musique concrete, or electro-acoustic music turned savage.

Website: Martiens go home
Email: martiensgohome@hotmail.com

an american born composer, radio, and theatre artist, murmer has lived and worked in europe since 1996. amongst releases for various labels, he has composed works for many theatre performances, and produces framework, a fortnightly field recording based radio on london’s resonancefm. his work concentrates on the framing of sounds from our environment which normally pass through our ears unnoticed and unremarked, but which out of context become unrecognisable, alien and extraordinary: crackling charcoal, a squeaking escalator, a buzzing insect, or one’s own breath.

they were dreaming they were stones
(ground fault, 2004)
elements (ground fault, 2004)
definition (absurd, 2003)
eyes like a fish (s'agita recordings, 2002)
. m u r m e r (bake records, 2001)

Email: murmer@talk21.com