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phonographers: P

Derren Lee Poole
Phonography has opened my ears. And I thought I listened well. Being a bass guitarist and composer for over 14 years, I thought I had good practice at hearing. How wrong can you be?

Since starting field recording work, I have become increasingly aware of just how much the mind selectively hears what you need to hear, and what you don't. My first field recordings were a revelation to me. For example, I had never noticed before just how intrusive traffic noise is in my everyday life. A simple recording made in the (quiet!) countryside brought this realisation crashing home!

My field recording interest has always been there, even from when I started playing bass guitar. I would often record jam sessions and gigs, very much as I do field recordings now. Documenting things that I hear around me. Back then, I didn't have a name for it, now I do.

All my field recording work is captured using 'Soundman Binaural In-Ear Stereo Microphones' with a 'Sony MZ-R91 Minidisc Recorder' and mastered using 'Pro Tools' software on an Apple iMac 233. I have work for other people to enjoy in self packaged CD-R formats, and I like working on a swap-ware basis. One of mine for some work of yours! But I am quite happy to send stuff out regardless, often for free, if someone requests it. Comments and feedback are always welcome.

Some of my field recording work can be found at: www.radiantslab.com/phonography/

Email: fourfingerfunk@ntlworld.com

Charles Previtire
I mainly record city sounds, the vast area between the living and the static, but explore nature recording when I can get away from Los Angeles. I'm finding that each recording session yields many different elements of our concrete culture. Endless (but surprisingly dynamic) vehicle drones, obscured conversation, repetitive industrial machinations.

Email: chuckp8@juno.com