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phonographers: V

Ven Voisey
oakland, usa. Urban spaces reconstituted : the recording process as a vicious cycle : language of nothing expresses everything : stop beating that dead horse.

v.v./a.c. : "plastic memory value"
analyze - compare - destroy old codes - process - invert - update - project. www.throat.org/t0003.html
v.v. : "iot - 8L" a meditation on the effects of space/environment on an individual and vice versa. . www.throat.org/t0006.html

Website: http://throat.org/vv/
Email: ven@v---v.net

Ian Douglas Vollmer
Filmmaker and sound designer.

Many Are Called

1998 - present (work in progress) DAT, Pro Tools
This "audio verite" was captured using location sound recording techniques particular to documentary film. In editing, the challenge was to take the various sounds and fabricate a sense of place, a mise en scene, in which the drama could resonate. Voice tracks from interviews were layered and woven about "background action." The narrative unfolds through a litany of archetypal characters. The classic narrator's voice is thus passed like a torch from one to the other. In the end, I hoped to create something that had the gritty realism of a documentary films and the musical formality of an opera.

Website: http://www.ivollmer.org/
Email: i.vollmer@verizon.net