Quiet American
Quiet American (Aaron Ximm) makes trips for the headphone tourist. Aaron composes with
recordings collected during travels around the world. He seeks to reveal the hidden music
of the everday soundscape. He wants you to listen, but not just to him. Quiet, please.
vox americana (1999) echolocations volume 1. A trip for the headphone tourist through Vietnam
maritime suite (1999) echolocations volume 2. A three-part study of the San Francisco
Bay Area. Composed to honor the wedding of Andy Sernovitz and Jwolz Grisham (October 1999)
moorish idol (2000)echolocations volume 3. A trip for the headphone tourist to Fiji
Dedicated to Bill Aul and his family
s3 (2000) A single 74 minute recording documenting a train trip departing from Hanoi, Vietnam
moments in burma (3") tessellation 1. Two drifts through the acoustic geography of Burma.
One sprawling, one intimate
Website: Quiet American
Email: ghede@well.com